Theresa Reise marries Bradley Owens.


Theresa Owens gives birth to Frederic Owens.


Theresa Owens gives birth to Katie Owens.


Late AutumnAt Logger's Dell, Emma Valdor and Herrry Furlow not only finds Hannah (Lamp) Noneman and Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman and their children Melanie and Frank as expected, but Micheal and Julie Warren, their son, Ricky and Theresa (Reise) Owens with her children Frederic and Katie, Hannah (Lamp) Noneman.

Sir William of Wondon then asks Micheal and Julie Warren takes their son, Ricky, Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie shall go though the Deep Forest to try get to Filly Point to get some more help to through the Malbourghians out of Wondon.

Asure his mother is dead, Sir William asks Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie, and Steve and Dawn (Brant) Noneman and their children Melanie and Frank, if they can take the dead body of Lady Rebecca of Wondon to The Temple Ruin and hide there with Emma Valdor and Herry Furlow.


Early Summer After supper, Bradley Owens stars playing, while his wife, Theresa is singing.

Lady Stefani of Wondon begins dancing with Philip Arden, and Emma Valdor stars dancing with his cousin, Captaian Nicolas Meligan. Keith Valdor takes Arcy Jacobs to the dance floore, while Sheriff Boris Smith never takes his suspicious eyes on Miranda Calzone.

Miranda Calzone starts dancing to the music, and Tyra Smith discovers it, and gets thrilled.

Tyra Smith takes Miranda Calzone to the dance floore, whare they are performing a dance show, while Lady Stefani of Wondon, Philip Arden, Emma Valdor, Keith Valdor are watching.

Mainwhile Captaian Nicolas Meligan takes a swing with Arcy Jacobs and Boris Smith takes a dance with his sister in law, Theresa Owens.

When the music are over, Lady Stefani of Wondon, Philip Arden and Captaian Nicolas Meligan go to their accommodations, while Bradley and Theresa Owens go home, Emma and Keith Valdor are following Arcy Jacobs home, and Boris and Tyra Smith go home to their Children.

Summer Equinox Tyra Smith has his brother, Bradley Owens to play, while she's dancing with Miranda Calzone at The Old Witch and theaching her to dance, while Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs are curisously watching.

Usualy Theresa Owens stay at home taking care of Katie, but offen he takes Frederic with him, to play and is theaching him.

Late Summer, Frederic Owens start at The Royal Theatre at Kingston. Hence he goes to Lawrow Lake to join Harold and Sarah Chadwick to go for Kingston from there.

Christmas Frederic Owens, who has just arrived on vacation from the Royal Theatre in Kingston from Lawrow Lake.

At noon of The Christmas Ball, Bradly, Theresa, Katie and Frederic Owens are packing a carriage, and goes to the castle.

In the afternoon, the carriage of the Owens' gets to the castle gate, where Natan Meligan shows them in to The Reseption Hall.

At The Reception Hall, Captaian Nicolas Meligan is standing guard, while Lady Stefani, and her husband, Philip Arden takes place next to Christina Meligan, who accopanies Sir William of Wondon.

Nancy Meligan is serving them food and the all dines.

After they had dined, Christina Meligan wants to dance with Frederic Owens, so Bradly Owens plays while Sir William of Wondon danse with Katie Owens, Lady Stefani of Wondon dances with Philip Arden,

When Bradly Owens plays with Frederic Owens, Lady Stefani is still dancing with Philip Arden, and Sir William of Wondon has a swing with Christina Meligan.

When the Christmas Ball is over, Frederic Owens voluntarils to guad the gate during the night together with Christina Meligan, and Bradly Owens can drive them all home tomorrow.

At night, Bradley, Theresa and Katie Owens sleeps at the Meligan's.

Next morning, Captaian Nicolas Meligan helps Bradley Oewns get Theresa and Katie in to the carriage, and Captaian Nicolas follows them to the gate, to pick up Frederic Owens.

At the gate, Captaian Nicolas Meligan finds his sister, Christina, sleeping cosy with Frederic Owens.

While Captaian Nicolas Meligan starts rageing at his sister, Christina, Frederic Owens makes the excuce, he had been encharmed by the wicked witch.

Bradley Owens gets his son in to the carriage, and drives Theresa, Frederic and Katie to the town.